INT 10H 1301H: Display String and Update Cursor

                                                   Compatibility: AT EGA VGA 
 Expects: AX    1301H
          BH    video page
          BL    video attribute
          CX    length of string
          DH,DL row,column to start writing
          ES:BP address of start of text to write
 Returns: (none)
    Info: This displays a string of text, using a specified video attribute
          and starting at a specified screen location.

          It automatically updates the cursor location, leaving it one
          column beyond the last character written.

          This function treats these characters specially:

           CR  (0dH) ─── cursor to start of same line
           LF  (0aH) ─── cursor to current clm on next lower line
           BEL (07H) ─── beep the speaker

          Notice that you must supply both CR+FL to perform a natural
          "newline" (that is, to move the cursor to the start of the next
          lower line).

    Note: This fn requires that you modify BP.  When calling from high-
          level languages such as C, be very careful to save and restore
          BP, since it is used to keep track of the "stack frame".

See Also: INT 10H 1300H (write string)
          INT 10H 1302H (write char/attr cells)
          INT 10H 1303H (write char/attr cells & update cursor)
          INT 10H: Video Services