INT 10H 1007H: Read One Palette Register

                                                          Compatibility: VGA 
 Expects: AX    1007H
          BL    palette register to read (00H-0fH)
 Returns: BH    current rgbRGB value of specified register
    Info: This obtains the current value of rgbRGB of the specified VGA
          palette register.  See INT 10H 1000H and EGA I/O Ports for info
          on rgbRGB palette register settings.

   Notes: BIOS does not check the validity of BL on this fn and will return
          any of the ATC registers (00H-14H).  See EGA I/O Ports.

See Also: INT 10H 10H: EGA/VGA Palette Functions
          INT 10H: Video Services
          EGA/VGA Data Areas