INT 10H 12H BL=34H: Cursor Emulation (Scaling)

                                                          Compatibility: VGA 
 Expects: AH    12H
          BL    34H
          AL    setting: 00H enable cursor emulation
                         01H disable cursor emulation
 Returns: AH    12H if a valid value was passed in AL
    Info: This updates bit 0 of the EgaMiscInfoRec (at 0040:0087).

          When cursor emulation is in effect, the BIOS assumes that input
          to INT 10H 01H (set cursor size) is meant to be relative to a
          CGA-style 8x8 character matrix and it automatically adjusts
          (scales) the input values to match the true character matrix.

See Also: INT 10H 12H (EGA/VGA Special Functions/Alternate Select)
          INT 10H: Video Services
          EGA/VGA Data Areas