INT 13H 03H: Write Sectors

                                                              [PC] [XT] [AT]
 Expects: AH    03H
          AL    sector count (see notes)
          CH    track (cylinder) number (0-n) ◄═╗
          CL    sector number (1-n) ◄═══════════╩══ (see notes)
          DL    drive: 0-3=diskette; 80H-81H=hard disk
          DH    head number
          ES:BX caller's buffer, containing data to write
          0:078 Diskette Parameter Table  (for diskette operations)
          0:104 Hard Disk Parameter Table  (for hard disk operations)
 Returns: AH    BIOS disk error code if CF is set to CY
    Info: This writes the data at ES:BX to the specified sectors.

   Notes: ■ CX is actually used as a 6-bit and 10-bit field to specify
            sector and cylinder.  The maximum cylinder number is 1023
            but some BIOSes support larger values via translation.  See
            INT 13H 02H for details.

          ■ On diskette writes, this function stops a multi-sector write at
            the last sector in a track.

          ■ On hard disks (with XT and AT BIOSes), a multi-sector write
            continues on the next higher head of the same cylinder and if
            necessary, advances to the next higher cylinder on the first

          ■ Parameters are the same as for INT 13H 02H (read sectors).

See Also: INT 26H (write absolute sectors)
          DOS fn 440dH 41H (IOCTL read track)
          INT 13H: BIOS Disk I/O
          ROM-BIOS Functions