INT 13H 0aH: Read Sector Plus ECC

                                                                   [XT] [AT]
 Expects: AH    0aH
          AL    sector count (usually 1)
          CH    track (cylinder) number (0-n) ◄═╗
          CL    sector number (1-n) ◄═══════════╩══ (see below)
          DL    drive: 80H-81H=hard disk 0-1
          DH    head number
          ES:BX caller's buffer address
 Returns: AH    BIOS disk error code if CF is set to CY
    Info: This works just like the standard Read (INT 13H 02H), except that
          four to seven bytes of data (the ECC or Error Correction Code
          bytes) follow the contents of the sector.

       CX Bits 6-7 of CL are the high two bits of the 10-bit value whose
          low 8 bits are in CH.  See INT 13H 02H for details.

   Notes: ■ This is typically used only by diagnostic software.

          ■ On a multiple-sector operation, this returns without finishing
            the read when it encounters an error.

See Also: INT 13H: BIOS Disk I/O
          BIOS Data Area
          ROM-BIOS Functions