DOS Fn 4300H: Query File Attribute

                                                         Compatibility: 2.0+ 
 Expects: AX    4300H
          DS:DX address of an ASCIIZ string of a filespec
 Returns: AX    error code if CF is set to CY
          CX    file attribute of specified file (if no error)
    Info: Obtains the file attribute of a file.

    DS:DX points to an ASCIIZ string in the form...
          ...which identifies the location and name of the file.  It must
          not contain wildcards, but it may identify a directory name or
          volume label.

          If CF is set on return, an error code is in AX and no action was

See Also: Fn 4301H (set file attributes)
          File Attribute
          Directory and File Functions
          DOS Functions