DOS Fn 4410H: IOCTL Query IOCTL Support for Handle

                                                         Compatibility: 5.0+ 
 Expects: AX    4410H
          BX    file handle  (device or disk file)
          CH    device category: 00H=unknown
                                 01H=COMn (DOS 3.3+)
                                 03H=console (screen + keyboard) (DOS 3.3+)
                                 05H=parallel printer (DOS 3.2+)
          CL    subfn number to query:
                  45H = set retry iteration count  --see fn 440CH 45H
                  65H = query retry iteration count--see fn 440CH 65H
 Returns: AX    error code  if CF is set to CY
    Info: This checks to see if certain IOCTL functions are supported for a
          particular file handle.

          On return, if CF=NC=0, then the specified function IS supported.

          On return, if CF=CY=1, then the error code in AX indicates why
          the function is not supported:
               AX=0001 (invalid function): no support for IOCTL fns at all.
               AX=0005 (access denied): that fn (in CL) is not supported.

See Also: Fn 44H (IOCTL)
          Fn 440cH (generic IOCTL for character devices)
          DOS Functions