INT 67H 4600H: Get EMM Version Number

                                                     Compatibility: EMS 3.2+ 
 Expects: AX    4600H
 Returns: AH    EMM status (0=successful)
          AL    EMM version number in BCD (e.g., 32H is EMM 3.2; 40H = 4.0)
    Info: Use this to ensure that the installed version supports any
          special features you wish to access.

   Notes: EMM 4.0 has been standard since 1987 and it is usually quite safe
          to assume 4.0 is present.  Furthermore, in most cases, you can
          get by without using any of the features unique to 4.0.

See Also: INT 67H: EMM Services
          Extended Memory Specification (XMS)
          Interrupts and BIOS Services