INT 2fH ad82H: Set KEYB.COM Country Flag

                                                         Compatibility: 5.0+ 
 Expects: AX    ad82H
          BL    flag: 00H = default keyboard
                      ffH = alternate keyboard
 Returns: CF    Carry Flag is set if there is an error
    Info: When KEYB.COM is active and the KEYBOARD.SYS has been installed,
          you can toggle between one keyboard layout an another via
          Ctrl+Alt+F1 and Ctrl+Alt+F2.  Clearing the country flag (BL=00H)
          is equivalent to the former and setting the country flag (BL=ffH)
          is equivalent to the latter.

See Also: INT 2fH adxxH: KEYB.COM Functions
          INT 2fH: Multiplex Interrupt
          DOS Functions