INT 2fH 1703H: Put Data into the Clipboard

                                                    Compatibility:  WIN 3.0+ 
 Expects: AX    1703H
          DX    WinOldApp-supported clipboard data format code
          ES:BX address of data to store
          SI:CX size of data, in bytes
 Returns: AX    0000h = fn failed
                else  = success; data was placed in clipboard
    Info: This puts data into the Windows clipboard, making it available to
          Windows applications and programs which use this INT 2fH API.
          Equivalent to SetClipboardData.

          Programs should use INT 2fH 1709H (to see if the data will fit in
          the clipboard) before using this fn.

          Only a few data types are supported.  See Clipboard Data Formats.

See Also: INT 2fH 17xxH: Windows Clipboard Functions
          INT 2fH: Multiplex Interrupt
          DOS Functions