INT 33H 000cH: Set Mouse Event Handler

 Expects: AX    000cH
          CX    event mask (events which you want sent to your handler)
                  bit 0 = mouse movement           (CX | 01H)
                  bit 1 = left button pressed      (CX | 02H)
                  bit 2 = left button released     (CX | 04H)
                  bit 3 = right button pressed     (CX | 08H)
                  bit 4 = right button released    (CX | 10H)
                  bit 5 = center button pressed    (CX | 20H)
                  bit 6 = center button released   (CX | 40H)
                  All events:      CX = 007fH
                  Disable handler: CX = 0000H
          ES:DX address of your event handler code
 Returns: none
    Info: This installs a custom mouse event handler.  Specify which events
          you want to monitor via bit-codes in CX, and pass the address of
          your handler in ES:DX.  When any of the specified events occur,
          the code at ES:DX will get control via a far CALL.

          On entry to your handler:
       AX contains a bit mask identifying which event has occurred (it is
          encoded in the same format as described for CX, above).

       BX contains the mouse button status:
            bit 0 = left button    (BX & 1) == 1
            bit 1 = right button   (BX & 2) == 2
            bit 2 = center button  (BX & 4) == 4

       CX horizontal position (in text mode, divide by 8 for character clm)
       DX vertical position (in text mode, divide by 8 for character line)

       SI distance of last horizontal motion (mickeys: <0=left; >0=right)
       DI distance of last vertical motion (mickeys: <0=upward, >0=down)

       DS mouse driver data segment
          You will need to set up DS to access your own variables.  You
          need not save/restore CPU registers, since the driver does this
          for you.

          Exit your custom handler via a FAR RETurn (not an IRET).

          To enable or disable selected events for your handler, use this
          function again, passing a modified mask in CX.  To disable all
          events for the handler, call this function again passing a value
          of 0000H in CX.

 Warning: You must disable your custom event handler (call with CX=0)
          before exiting to DOS.  For TSRs, you must enable each time you
          pop up and disable each time you pop down.

   Notes: You may prefer to use the more-flexible INT 33H 0014H (exchange
          handlers) or INT 33H 0018H (install mouse+key handler).

See Also: INT 33H: Mouse Support
          Interrupts and BIOS Services