DOS Fn 440cH CL=7Fh: IOCTL Query Display Mode

                                                         Compatibility: 4.0+ 
 Expects: AX    440cH
          BX    file handle (device or disk file; 0001H=std output)
          CL    7fH
          CH    03H (device category: console)
          DS:DX addr of an IoctlDisplayModeRec to receive data
 Returns: AX    error code  if CF is set to CY
    Info: Obtains information about the current screen mode (including the
          width in columns and height in lines).

          Before calling, you must preset the IoctlDisplayModeRec
          bInfoLevel field to 00H and the wDataLen field to 0eH (14).

          This fn works only if the ANSI.SYS (or equivalent) device driver
          is loaded.

See Also: Fn 44H (IOCTL)
          Fn 440cH (generic IOCTL for character devices)
          Fn 440cH 5FH (set display mode)
          INT 2FH 1a00H (query ANSI.SYS installed state)
          Generic IOCTL Data Packets
          DOS Functions