DOS Fn 440dH CL=40H: IOCTL Set Device Parameters

                                                         Compatibility: 3.2+ 
 Expects: AX    440dH
          BX    drive (0=default, 1=A, 2=B, etc.)
          CL    40H
          CH    08H (device category: block device)
          DS:DX addr of an IoctlDeviceParmsRec containing desired settings
 Returns: AX    error code  if CF is set to CY
    Info: Sets block device parameters (such as number of cylinders, bytes-
          per-track, etc.) for the specified block device.

   Notes: ■ Use 440dH 60H to obtain the current settings, then make
            changes, then when done, restore the original settings.

See Also: Fn 44H (IOCTL)
          Fn 440dH (generic IOCTL for block devices)
          Fn 440dH 60H (query device parameters)
          Generic IOCTL Data Packets
          Device Requests
          DOS Functions