DOS Fn 440dH CL=46H: IOCTL Set Media ID

                                                         Compatibility: 4.0+ 
 Expects: AX    440dH
          BX    drive (0=default, 1=A, 2=B, etc.)
          CL    46H
          CH    08H (device category: block device)
          DS:DX addr of an IoctlMediaIdRec containing desired settings
 Returns: AX    error code  if CF is set to CY
    Info: Sets the volume label, serial number, and file system ID for the
          specified drive.

          This writes directly to the boot sector of the disk.

          You may wish to use Fn 440dH 66H (query Media ID) to pre-fill the
          IoctlMediaIdRec, then just change one or two settings before
          calling this fn.

See Also: Fn 44H (IOCTL)
          Fn 440dH (generic IOCTL for block devices)
          Fn 440dH 66H (query media ID)
          Generic IOCTL Data Packets
          DOS Functions