DOS Fn 6507H: Get Double-Byte Character Set

                                                         Compatibility: 3.3+ 
 Expects: AX    6507H
          BX    Code Page (0ffffH = current code page for console)
          CX    size of data to return (must be at least 5)
          DX    Country ID
          ES:DI address of buffer to receive the table address
 Returns: AX    error code if CF is set to CY
          ES:DI buffer is filled with 5 bytes of return information
    Info: Returns the address of some information used in working with
          double-byte character sets (DBCS).  The return information tells
          which bytes are lead characters of two-byte sequences.  Such
          two-byte sequences must be treated as an unbreakable unit in
          DBCS-aware programs.

          Upon return ES:DI points to a 5-byte structure.  The first byte
          is a table identifier (07H) and the next 4 bytes are a 32-bit
          address in standard address format (offset, then segment).

          At that address is a variable-length table.  The first two bytes
          describe the length of the table in bytes.  That is followed by a
          series of byte-pairs which each describe a run of lead
          characters.   The table is terminated by two bytes of 00H.   For

            06,00, dc,df, f1,ff,00,00

          ...indicates the table is 6 bytes long and that characters dcH,
          deH, dfH and deH and f1H through ffH are lead characters in DBCS

See Also: National Language Support
          DOS Functions