INT 33H 0010H: Set Exclusion Area

 Expects: AX    0010H
          CX    (X1) leftmost coordinate of exclusion rectangle (pixel)
          DX    (Y1) top coordinate of exclusion rectangle (pixel)
          SI    (X2) rightmost coordinate of exclusion rectangle (pixel)
          DI    (Y2) bottom coordinate of exclusion rectangle (pixel)
 Returns: none
    Info: This sets a rectangle in which the mouse pointer will be hidden.

          Unlike the limit range set by INT 33H 0007H and INT 33H 0008H,
          the mouse may be moved into and out of the exclusion area, but it
          will be hidden whenever there.

          Avoid using this unless you immediately present some other sort
          of screen-position indicator (such as a text cursor).  You don't
          want the user saying "Where did my mouse go?"

          Note that all X,Y coordinates are virtual coordinates and when
          working with text mode, you must divide each value by 8 to get a
          character clm,row.

   Notes: ■ The exclusion area gets reset on each call to INT 33H 0001H
            (show pointer) and to INT 33H 0000H (reset).

          ■ All X,Y coordinates are virtual coordinates and when working
            with text mode, you must divide each value by 8 to get a
            character clm,row.

See Also: INT 33H: Mouse Support
          Interrupts and BIOS Services