Video Font Definition

 ┌76543210┐             ┌76543210┐             ┌76543210┐
 │        │=00000000=00 │        │=00000000=00 │        │=00000000=00
 │        │=00000000=00 │        │=00000000=00 │        │=00000000=00
 │  ■■■   │=00111000=38 │■■■■■■  │=11111100=FC │    ■■  │=00001100=0C
 │ ■■ ■■  │=01101100=6C │ ■■  ■■ │=01100110=66 │    ■■  │=00001100=0C
 │■■   ■■ │=11000110=C6 │ ■■  ■■ │=01100110=66 │        │=00000000=00
 │■■   ■■ │=11000110=C6 │ ■■  ■■ │=01100110=66 │   ■■■  │=00011100=1C
 │■■   ■■ │=11000110=C6 │ ■■■■■  │=01111100=7C │    ■■  │=00001100=0C
 │■■■■■■■ │=11111110=FE │ ■■  ■■ │=01100110=66 │    ■■  │=00001100=0C
 │■■   ■■ │=11000110=C6 │ ■■  ■■ │=01100110=66 │    ■■  │=00001100=0C
 │■■   ■■ │=11000110=C6 │ ■■  ■■ │=01100110=66 │    ■■  │=00001100=0C
 │■■   ■■ │=11000110=C6 │ ■■  ■■ │=01100110=66 │    ■■  │=00001100=0C
 ├■■   ■■ ┤=11000110=C6 ├■■■■■■  ┤=11111100=FC ├■■  ■■  ┤=11001100=CC
 │        │=00000000=00 │        │=00000000=00 │■■  ■■  │=11001100=CC
 │        │=00000000=00 │        │=00000000=00 │ ■■■■   │=01111000=78
 │        │=00000000=00 │        │=00000000=00 │        │=00000000=00
 │        │=00000000=00 │        │=00000000=00 │        │=00000000=00
 └────────┘            └────────┘            └────────┘
║║ c000:n+(m*0)  00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00 ASCII  0=
║║ c000:n+(m*1)  00,00,7E,81,A5,81,81,BD,99,81,81,7E,00,00,00,00 ASCII  1=
║║ c000:n+(m*2)  00,00,7C,FE,FE,D6,FE,FE,BA,C6,FE,7C,00,00,00,00 ASCII  2=
║║           .
║║           :
║╚►c000:n+(m*65) 00,00,38,6C,C6,C6,C6,FE,C6,C6,C6,C6,00,00,00,00 ASCII 65=A
╚═►c000:n+(m*66) 00,00,FC,66,66,66,7C,66,66,66,66,FC,00,00,00,00 ASCII 66=B
 In the 8x16 font above, each character of the ASCII table is represented
 by 16 bytes.  In each of those 16 bytes, each bit represents one pixel,
 with the high-order bit representing the leftmost of eight pixels.

 On an EGA or VGA you may obtain the address of any ROM-defined font via
 INT 10H 1130H.  The definition of a particular ASCII character, c, starts
 c*m bytes from the returned address (where m is the height of the
 character matrix and thus the bytes-per character--usually 8, 14, or 16).

 On a CGA or MDA, the font data is internal to the (inaccessible) character
 generator.  However, the data layout used in the INT 1fH vector (which
 defines ASCII characters > 127 for CGA graphics modes) is laid out as an
 8x8 font.

 ┌76543210┐              ┌76543210┐
 │  ■■■■  │=00111100=3C  │        │=00000000=00
 │ ■■  ■■ │=01100110=66  │■■   ■■ │=11000110=C6
 │■■      │=11000000=C0  │        │=00000000=00
 │ ■■  ■■ │=01100110=66  │■■   ■■ │=11000110=C6
 │  ■■■■  │=00111100=3C  │■■   ■■ │=11000110=C6
 │   ■■   │=00011000=18  │■■  ■■■ │=11001110=CE
 │■■  ■■  │=11001100=CC  │ ■■■ ■■ │=01110110=76
 │ ■■■■   │=01111000=78  │        │=00000000=00
 └────────┘           ║  └────────┘          ║
 ╔════════════════════╝                      ║
║╚►[0:7c]+(8*0)   3C,66,C0,66,3C,18,CC,78  ASCII 128=Ç
╚═►[0:7c]+(8*1)   00,C6,00,C6,C6,CE,76,00  ASCII 129=ü
 On EGAs and VGAs, the INT 43H vector points to a table of character
 definitions for graphics mode.  The BIOS refers to the word at 0040:85 in
 the BIOS Data Area to determine the size of each character definition.

█▌VGA Implied 9th Bit▐█
  When displaying in text mode, the VGA uses an internally-handled 720-
  pixel-wide screen width (in graphics mode, 640 is the highest supported
  width).  Thus, VGA characters are really 9 pixels wide.  The 9th pixel is
  usually displayed as blank (0).

  However, certain Box & Special Characters would look bad if the rightmost
  dot were blank.  So characters c0H through dfH are given special treatment
  by the VGA character generator.  On these characters, the 8th bit is
  extended into the 9th position.  Examine the Character Set Matrix to
  verify that all of these characters are box-and-line characters which must
  connect on the right side.  Although you can turn this off this "9th-bit
  extension" feature (via ATC register 10H, bit 2; see EGA I/O Ports), there
  is no way to select a different range.

█▌Dynamic Character Redefinition▐█
  You may be aware of a wave of semi-graphical text-mode applications (such
  as Norton Utilities and Central Point tools).  These programs redefine
  certain characters to look like checkboxes, round "radio buttons" and so
  forth.  The most interesting idea is the "semi-graphical" mouse pointer.

  This appears miraculous at first, but is technically not too difficult.
  You can use INT 10H 1100H to modify the "bank 0" character definitions to
  instantly change the definition of a character.  The trick in tracking a
  "graphical mouse cursor" is to replace a 2x2 character matrix at the mouse
  position with some little-used characters (say, d0H-d3H).  Then redefine
  those characters so that they look a lot like the characters they replace,
  except that a mouse pointer overlays them.

  Actually, the BIOS font-redefinition interface may be a bit too slow on
  some VGAs, so programmers use direct port I/O to make the character-
  generator RAM accessible and programmable on-the-fly.

  When choosing which characters to redefine, you must keep in mind the
  "9th-bit extension" described above; if you just pick some arbitrary
  characters, your mouse pointer will appear to have "seams" when displayed
  on VGA screens.  Only characters c0H-dfH will fill the gaps.

  Programming for Direct Access to Character Generator RAM
  The following sequence sets up the EGA and VGA for accessing character-
  generator memory.  See EGA I/O Ports for related information.

    out 3c4H, 0402H   Mask reg; enable write to map 2
    out 3c4H, 0704H   Memory Mode reg ; alpha, ext mem, non-interleaved
    out 3ceH, 0005H   Graphics Mode reg; non-interleaved access
    out 3ceH, 0406H   Graphics Misc reg; map char gen RAM to a000:0
    out 3ceH, 0204H   Graphics ReadMapSelect reg; enable read chargen RAM

  After these OUTs, the font data begins at a000:0 and the first byte of
  font data for a character begins at the character's ASCII value * 32.
  After reading or writing the font data, the following sequence restores
  the EGA/VGA to normal operations:

    out 3c4H, 0302H   Mask reg; disable write to map 2
    out 3c4H, 0304H   Memory Mode reg; alpha, ext mem, interleaved
    out 3ceH, 1005H   Graphics Mode reg; interleaved access
    out 3ceH, 0e06H   Graphics Misc reg; regen buffer to b800:0
    out 3ceH, 0004H   Graphics ReadMapSelect reg; disable read chargen RAM

See Also: EGA  VGA
          EGA I/O Ports
          VGA I/O Ports
          Video Modes