country codes

▌International language support▐█ 
 ■ DOS defaults to US English.  Use COUNTRY= if you want to use a
   character set for another supported language.

 ■ By default, DOS looks for a file named COUNTRY.SYS (in the root
   directory of the boot disk), but if you move the file to a different
   directory, or rename it, you must tell DOS about it with the COUNTRY=
   CONFIG.SYS command.

 █▌Supported languages; date and time formats▐█
   The following table lists country codes and character sets (code
   pages) supported by DOS with examples of date and time formats used
   when each country code is in use:
   │Country or language  │country│character│Date format │Time format │
   │                     │  code │   sets  │  example   │  example   │
   │Belgium              │  032  │ 850,437 │ 23/01/1993 │ 17:35:00   │
   │Brazil               │  055  │ 850,437 │ 23/01/1993 │ 17:35:00   │
   │Canada (French)      │  002  │ 863,850 │ 1993-01-23 │ 17:35:00   │
   │Croatia              │  038  │ 852,850 │ 1993-01-23 │ 17:35:00   │
   │Czechoslovakia       │  042  │ 852,850 │ 1993-01-23 │ 17:35:00   │
   │Denmark              │  045  │ 850,865 │ 23-01-1993 │ 17.35.00   │
   │Finland              │  358  │ 850,437 │ 23.01.1993 │ 17.35.00   │
   │France               │  033  │ 850,437 │ 23.01.1993 │ 17:35:00   │
   │Germany              │  049  │ 850,437 │ 23.01.1993 │ 17:35:00   │
   │Greece               │  030  │ 869,737 │            │            │
   │Hungary              │  036  │ 852,850 │ 1993-01-23 │ 17:35:00   │
   │International-English│  061  │ 437,850 │ 23-01-1993 │ 5:35:00.00p│
   │Iceland              │  354  │ 861,850 │            │            │
   │Italy                │  039  │ 850,437 │ 23/01/1993 │ 17.35.00   │
   │Latin America        │  003  │ 850,437 │ 23/01/1993 │ 5:35:00.00p│
   │Netherlands          │  031  │ 850,437 │ 23-01-1993 │ 17:35:00   │
   │Norway               │  047  │ 850,865 │ 23.01.1993 │ 17:35:00   │
   │Poland               │  048  │ 852,850 │ 1993-01-23 │ 17:35:00   │
   │Portugal             │  351  │ 850,860 │ 23-01-1993 │ 17:35:00   │
   │Romania              │  040  │ 852,850 │            │            │
   │Serbia/Yugoslavia    │  038  │ 852,850 │ 1993-01-23 │ 17:35:00   │
   │Slovakia             │  042  │ 852,850 │ 1993-01-23 │ 17:35:00   │
   │Slovenia             │  038  │ 852,850 │ 1993-01-23 │ 17:35:00   │
   │Spain                │  034  │ 850,437 │ 23/01/1993 │ 17:35:00   │
   │Sweden               │  046  │ 850,437 │ 1993-01-23 │ 17.35.00   │
   │Switzerland          │  041  │ 850,437 │ 23.01.1993 │ 17,35,00   │
   │Turkish              │  090  │ 857,850 │            │            │
   │United Kingdom       │  044  │ 437,850 │ 23/01/1993 │ 17:35:00.00│
   │United States        │  001  │ 437,850 │ 01-23-1993 │ 5:35:00.00p│
   │Yugoslavia           │  038  │ 852,850 │ 1993-01-23 │ 17:35:00   │

 ■ Special versions of MS-DOS exist which provide support for Arabic
   countries, Israel, Japan, Korea, People's Republic of China, and

See Also: CONFIG.SYS Commands
          National Language Support